Get Ahead In Your Job

Join The First Cohort of Entry-Level Job Seekers Who DON'T Have to Settle for Second Best ...

Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, about 70% of entry-level jobs have vanished.

Nearly 8 million graduates from the class of 2021 are still seeking work.

You don’t have to settle for second best. The Job Course will show you how to create your dream job and win it!

The Job Course is a proven framework that will make you an exceptional candidate for your top job choice

The Job Course Is Perfect For:

College Juniors

Begin developing your work portfolio and professional network to make the transition from college to the workforce seamless and lucrative.

College Seniors

Turn your college transcript into a powerful resume that effectively communicates your strengths to future employers.

Recent College Grads

If you have less than 5 years in the workforce, turn your experience into a springboard to your next opportunity.

You Create Your Opportunity

Step One: Get Noticed

Side-step the traditional job search and jump into an exclusive hiring line. We show you the hidden pathway to landing your new job.

You write your ideal job description and decide what you're worth.

Step Two: Get Interviewed

Shorten the time from first contact to an interview and optimize your chance of getting everything you ask for in a compensation package.

Our framework makes you the easy choice over the competition.

Step Three: Get the Job

Confidently accept or reject any job offer while securing future opportunities at the same time.

Our job search method not only gets you a job now, it gets you the connections you need to grow into your next opportunity.

The Job Course is a Division of
Transition Compass, LLC

Praise For The Job Course Method