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Some Helpful Tips For Job Hunting

Interview panel

Interview Mistakes

I have had candidates lose job opportunities, simply by not sending an email thank you note after an interview, wearing inappropriate interview dress, skirts too short, pants too long, a

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Fall down

Get Back Up and Win

Your most important task in finding a job is knowing WHO you are. Unlike other sites, we focus on Introspection, first!  The section just mentioned above, which you will complete before you even

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Market Information

August 2023 Job Market Report

The US job market slowed down this past June, adding only 209,000 jobs. There are some thoughts that the economy is going forward, but not at the pace we saw

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Free Yourself from Work


This was originally written in 1989. It was written as a tool to help me understand my circumstances as a recent dehiree, as I was about to embark on a position

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