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Your Self-Coaching Company Search Process

Job Search

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Company Search Process

Please review the sites below to locate companies, individuals, and competitors, especially the CFOs, COOs, and CEOs who are new to the company within the last six months. If that person is new, there is a change. You must explore the opportunity:

  1. Locate new companies that do searches like the four that we mention next:,,,
  2. Try to get the new sites THAT always pop up as competitors to the above and are free the first year. Use one or all of them to locate companies that you find interesting. Not necessarily jobs in your specialty or the location desired. Try several options, like telecom, Atlanta, etc. You will find the alleged existing jobs; we advise that you ignore the jobs listed as only 20-40% are real. We do believe to look at the company and not the offerings, if you like what you see, send your Marketing materials to the TAL Talent Acquisition Leader.


Making a listYou are looking for the company names and locations, both companies you know and don’t. While looking through (as long as it is free) print out the list of companies that you find. You can also click on each company of interest to take you to that company’s website. Once there read some of the news articles and seek info about the management team.Chronicle the companies that you have found interesting. As we said above, “It does not matter that the assignment is not an exact match, indeed it is irrelevant”.

Next, go to either or

(Using their free competitors, enter in the company name that you have chosen, as there are many companies with similar names, check to be sure it is the company you have chosen, then print out the company information.)

While still on that company info page, look for a list of competitors. Another great site to find further information on the company is (Please use our links on our site above for research information as well. We do try to add new search information every quarter.)

Online searchReenter each new company in ZoomInfo, Hoovers, or the free ones until you have a list of 20 or 30 companies.

The more competitors you find in your search the better.

As you work on this idea, your search will also be broader and in more depth, expanding your horizons. Look for 3 different mixes of companies: small, medium, and a sprinkling of large. You may also consider startups. Your target goal should be around 50-60 companies at the start.

Yes, this sounds time-consuming and tedious, but it will be much faster than expected and will yield great results.

On our site we tell you to Prioritize your company list down to the top 20, and then flip it so that you go after the 20th first. By the time you get to #17 you are dangerous.

Be sure to use a free CRM product.

You will not be able to remember all the details (who, what, why, and how for each company) if the COB or CEO calls you unexpectedly.

Example: What is the name of the admin to the CEO? Where is s/he domiciled? Often since CEOs have no one to talk to, the ADMIN knows more about the company than the CEO or the CBO who sits on many boards, and s/he knows them all.

Enjoy the hunt!

Bruce & Drew

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