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The ONLY Way Resumes Get Noticed Today Has Nothing To Do With You

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According to CNBC, more than 95 percent of Fortune 500 companies use an applicant tracking system. This software streamlines recruiting and helps companies keep up with the thousands of applications they get weekly. But ATS aren’t reserved for large companies. Smaller businesses also use software to scan through resumes. So if you want to get hired, you need to beat the bots. (We recommend skirting around them all together.)

Forget about what the career counselor told you about resumes and cover letters. IF your resume makes it through the ATS, then you’ve made it into HRs inbox. But even then, with hundreds of resumes to scan for one job post, you only get about 3 seconds to stand out.

That’s why The Job Course recommends something highly unconventional – at least in this day and age.

Our Top Tip For Getting Noticed: MAIL your resume

Don’t submit anything through LinkedIn, Glassdoor, or the company’s website. We know this goes against the advice of many so-called “coaches.” But here’s the thing, if you’re missing certain keywords or don’t have the right mix of keywords, the ATS will automatically disqualify you. That’s right, getting a job depends upon how you write your resume – not your experience or the quality of your character.

It’s a terrible way to screen candidates, but it’s what everyone does. (We won’t jump on that soapbox now, though.)

If you really want to get noticed, use good ol’ snail mail.

Seven Items To Include On Your Mailed Resume

Mailing your resume means you can include whatever the heck you want to. There are no keyword scanners in the mailroom. That means you get to present yourself authentically. Your resume can now be what it was always meant to be – a high-level review of your value as a candidate. Use the following checklist on your mailed resume to get noticed and get interviewed.

Include these 7 things on your resume

  1. Don’t use your personal email address. Set up a separate, professional looking email address to receive job alerts and responses. For example:
  2. Always link to your LinkedIn profile.
  3. Use numbers or bullets to highlight relevant accomplishments and experience.
  4. Include personal attributes (take the Clifton Strengths assessment for deep self-discovery.)
  5. Highlight advanced skill sets.
  6. Describe who you are, what you want, and why.
  7. Discuss relevant takeaways from courses you’ve taken – not just your GPA.


“I mailed my resume to six companies. The first one I mailed out called me back! They were shocked and impressed to get a resume in the mail. All the other people I mailed my resume to visited my LinkedIn profile. I couldn’t believe it!”

– Christina M.

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