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Job Descriptions are Effective as Long as You WRITE Them

effective writting

It is amazing, we still have coaches teaching you about the two things that cannot Get You Noticed in 2021 or 2022: Résumés and Job Descriptions. You must write your own Job Description for it to be effective So what does that require? Do you know who you are? What you like? What you would […]

Do You Want to Get Noticed? 8 Crazy Ideas

Get Noticed

Here are 8 crazy ways for you to get noticed, some have been used in the last 15 years as the job markets have fluctuated severely. You can always use a sandwich board and stay in front of a business building or walk in traffic all day facing the traffic. You can stand on a […]

17 Incredibly Motivational Quotes for College Grads Seeking a Job

motivational quotes

Fresh out of college and looking for a job? We’ve been there, too. So, we compiled these 17 incredibly motivational quotes to help keep you going. It won’t be easy … but there’s an incredible opportunity out there just waiting for you! 1. “Motivation comes from meaning. Everything comes from meaning.” – Jay Shetty 2. […]

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