If You Are Told NO, Get Back Up and Win

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Your most important task in finding a job is knowing WHO you are.

This requires you to participate. Talk to yourself.

Just thinking about who you are, were, and will be, will not work. Salespeople have catalogs, glossy sheets, seminars, and sales training before they start to make calls.

When I left teaching and the classroom, I did so because my 2nd and 3rd job paid more than my teaching job.  I loved what I was doing, seeing kids in the 7th – 9th grade smile and say to themselves: Yes, I got it. That smile or a head-shaking yes was worth thousands of dollars. Too bad I could not spend it.

When I got trained as a Sales Representative, I understood what and who I was and how I would be able to explain the products that I was presenting. I was lucky that I ended up selling (at the beginning of my sales career) books that I had used when I was teaching.

That is what we ask of all our subscribers.  You find you.

You find you!

Unfortunately, when we’re in an interview, conversation, or even in an elevator with the hiring manager, fear or confusion takes over. Unless we are prepared, it happens to all of us.

Your ownership of our suggestions is required for you to be successful during a period of “Get Noticed, Get Interviewed, and Get HIRED” and reduce your, and the interviewer’s, stress as well!

The reason that we have asked you to do this is that our program allows you to work at your own speed, we purposely made our site self-coaching to help you develop your marketing campaign.

The reason that we wrote the PMSP© program was that we intended the program for our subscription clients to be able to help them find what they want. The information that you will learn about yourself will allow you to succeed.

All will make the job search process work for you. Each mailing and each conversation will make you stronger.

Close up of student girl hand writing on notebook on a desk at home.This is like learning to ride a bike with training wheels and then having them taken off. If you do fall down, it is OK. But if you get back up, you will eventually succeed. Our program is based on your comfort. You will still sweat about your job search, but you will know why you are sweating.

We know this is a contrarian method, but it works. You can get a job in days, not weeks or months.

The stories we use are real. They have learned from me over a period of more than 45-50 years how to be successful. The real question is are you willing to do the work to get a job?

We know the process works. Are you willing to do the work? If not, then you are using the wrong Job site.

Visit our site to see a free Introductory lesson.

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