Eagle Scout

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Do you know you need a job during your transition from school to work? Always, VOLUNTEER somewhere during your school years. Especially in your last two years.

By doing so, you show what you would be like after you are hired!

It is not the volunteering, the extra part-time job, or caring about others. It is this simple act that allows you to stand out and get noticed by the C Suite so that you will be interviewed.

College is not just a school; it is also your entrance to adulthood. It is a way to demonstrate WHO you are and what your specific drivers are. A part-time job, volunteering and caring about others.

It is also your short proposal to work at a potential company/client for one day per week for 3 weeks at no fee to best demonstrate your value to the firm. (You have taken the liberty to put your money where your mouth is.)

Only send this to local companies, and be prepared to negotiate for travel, lodging, food, and expenses.


Text for the accompanying handwritten “yellow sticky:”

“Let me show you what I can do for you. Will call on Tuesday to speak about this!”


Good hunting,


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