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Interview Mistakes

Interview panel

I have had candidates lose job opportunities, simply by not sending an email thank you note after an interview, wearing inappropriate interview dress, skirts too short, pants too long, a poorly fitted toupee, too strong a cologne, dirty or torn shirts, broken eyeglasses. The lists today are the truth, the whole Truth. Unfortunately a serious […]

Emotions Are High Right After Termination


It is vital that we do not blame ourselves for the termination/bankruptcy of the company. In this situation we all immediately become salespeople. You are now selling YOU: your ability, experiences, successes, drive, curiosity, and commitment. Remember, you must know yourself. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Some sales call work, others don’t. It […]

Get Back Up and Win

Fall down

Your most important task in finding a job is knowing WHO you are. Unlike other sites, we focus on Introspection, first!  The section just mentioned above, which you will complete before you even consider starting your job search, will guarantee you the job that you want. All this information will be completed before you launch your search. This […]

August 2023 Job Market Report


The US job market slowed down this past June, adding only 209,000 jobs. There are some thoughts that the economy is going forward, but not at the pace we saw since January. TJC is trying to assure all our readers that the growth we be as strong but there are three different reservations based on […]

The Truth? Only YOU can choose a new job … or Hades.

Truth meter

Notice to the Reader This post may be emotionally upsetting to some readers. Why Should You Use our system? While speaking with a candidate during a break at a volunteer seminar session at one of the local Universities. I had been explaining how to get a job in thirty days or less. This former senior […]


Free Yourself from Work

This was originally written in 1989. It was written as a tool to help me understand my circumstances as a recent dehiree, as I was about to embark on a position as a career counselor with a major outplacement firm. I have modified it below to fit all dehirees. ——————— Now, having endured an interminable period […]

Your Self-Coaching Company Search Process

Job Search

Company Search Process Please review the sites below to locate companies, individuals, and competitors, especially the CFOs, COOs, and CEOs who are new to the company within the last six months. If that person is new, there is a change. You must explore the opportunity: Locate new companies that do searches like the four that we […]

Job Market Survey: DOL February 2023


The latest Job Market Survery for Feburary 2023 Both the unemployment rate, at 3.6 percent, and the number of unemployed persons, at 5.9 million, edged up. These numbers have shown little net movement since early 2022. The number of persons jobless less than 5 weeks increased by 343,000 to 2.3 million. The number of long-term […]



The above is not an actual mathematical equation, but an illustrative statement that allows you to be prepared for ANY interview!  It is an acronym-like phrase that prompts you to remember TJC’s basic job search theory. Value = (Need of Yourself * Need of Employer) + (Your Application & Accomplishments) – (Fiscal Cost * Emotional […]

If You Are Told NO, Get Back Up and Win

Building blocks

Your most important task in finding a job is knowing WHO you are. This requires you to participate. Talk to yourself. Just thinking about who you are, were, and will be, will not work. Salespeople have catalogs, glossy sheets, seminars, and sales training before they start to make calls. When I left teaching and the […]

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