Join The First Cohort of Entry-Level Job Seekers Who DON'T Have to Settle for Second Best ...

What is The Job Course?

The Job Course is serving Juniors and Seniors in college (2–4-year schools) with techniques that are specifically about how to get that first, second, or next job. 

“We look forward to providing you with a contrarian program that makes getting a job easier,  feeling good about yourself during the search process, discovering your hidden talents, drive, achievements. Your return on investment (ROI), and job-related experiences.”

~ Bruce Dreyfus

Online Course

Here is what you will find in The Job Course

Introduction to The Job Course

Goals Of The Job Course Get Noticed Get Interviewed Create Your Opportunity How Long Will It Take To Get A Job? Our Mini Introspective Process Bonus: 3 of the 10 Different Types of CEO's


Accomplishments, Competencies, PotentialsWhat makes our marketing/sales pitch effective?Compass Point! Who are you?Harvey - Our Introspective DocumentJob DescriptionWrite your Company NarrativeCongratulations


Information SourcesMy Paranoia!


S.A.L.E.S. 101 - The Real DefinitionOur 8 Step ProgramYour “S.A.L.E.S.” BrochuresDo you really want a job!?Example DocumentsExercise: Write Your NarrativeCover LettersRecruiter Advice


The 18-Day ProgramCore & SpiralTJC© Creative Process18-Day Program ProtocolE-mail Example


If You Are In An Interview. Then YOU ARE ALREADY QUALIFIED!Keys To A Successful InterviewThe 10 Different Types of CEOsKinds Of InterviewsPreparationThe Precise MomentWhen to Accept an Offer!RehearsalPerformanceReviewBONUS: 49 of the Most Common Interview QuestionsBONUS: Candidate’s Interview Checklist


Trust The Process, Do The WorkPractice, Practice, PracticeAlleged Deal BreakersNegotiating ThoughtsKey Concepts Review

Life Network: Are You Kidding?

How to create your Life Network

* Additional content is being developed

Don't Wait ... Choose One of the Following Options

Introductory Unit

$ 10

$ 5

One time fee
  • Introduction to The Job Course
  • Introspection
  • Targeting
  • Marketing
  • Implementation
  • Interviewing
  • Negotiations
  • Life Network
One time purchase

Complete Course

$ 197

$ 59

w/ $5/mo subscription
  • Introduction to The Job Course
  • Introspection
  • Targeting
  • Marketing
  • Implementation
  • Interviewing
  • Negotiations
  • Life Network
Recurring monthly subscription