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Job Descriptions are Effective as Long as You WRITE Them

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It is amazing, we still have coaches teaching you about the two things that cannot Get You Noticed in 2021 or 2022: Résumés and Job Descriptions.

You must write your own Job Description for it to be effective

So what does that require? Do you know who you are? What you like? What you would feel good about doing every day? What are the skills, experiences and attributes that make you shine?

Traditional résumés are finally ready to be put out to pasture.

Present a product and an example of who you are to the only person in the company WHO IS THE Talent Acquisition Leader.

Plan out your sales campaign. Keep track of the steps through a written log or pay for a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) product.

Remember the 3 Day Rule

Most of all say thank you with whom you talked. No matter if you have good or bad results, be professional and stay in touch.

Remember there are hidden jobs only known by the Talent Acquisition Manager.

Our course shows you a way to Get Noticed, Get Interviewed, and Get That Next Job!

Some of the Units in the course are:

  • Free Introduction to The Job Course
  • Introspection About You
  • Targeting Your Candidacy
  • Your Web Presence
  • Marketing Process to Get Noticed (Implementation of Personal Marketing Strategy Program©)
  • Interviewing: How, Why, and What
  • Life Network: Never Have to Look For a Job Again
  • Negotiations: How to Handle the Job Title, Compensation, and Benefits Package
  • Other Ways To Get Noticed
* Complete with Examples and Templates of all Materials/Documents 
Visit our site to see a free Introductory lesson.

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